Walking on the Appian: instructions

There’s nothing more physiological for men than walking. We’re made to stand upright and advance through space, not to spend whole days sitting in front of the computer. Everything reminds us of this, starting with the curvature of the hip and the structure of our feet. But we forgot it.

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Walking on Appia Antica would be the experience of your life, to be run with a backpcker, passing through places and history of Italy

This website “Il Cammino dell’Appia Antica” / “Walking on Appia Antica” is born with the aim of reviving the experience of walking and retrace the most famous ancient road in the world, an infrastructure built by the Romans, that connected Rome – at that time “caput mundi” – to the south of italian peninsula and Through the ports, to Africa and the Orient. A road 600 kilometers long,  once traveled by armies, wayfarers, traders, on foot, on horseback, in a carriage. And this for many centuries.

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